Monday, April 10, 2023

Artist Statement


Nature is something I have always admired, something that always helped keep my work rooted. My role as an artist is to capture the nature of the world, the ebbs and flows of living creatures, and present it in an animated format. Animation is my medium of choice, since it allows me to entangle myself in nature, teaching myself how to make birds fly and wolves howl. Being an animator gives me the tools and tricks I need to help recreate our incredible world on a 1920 x 1080p screen.

My primary role as an animator is to capture the magic and mysticism of our world, showing modern audiences just how incredible it really is. I want viewers to feel the chill of a windy day or the slick wet of monsoon season when they step into my animated worlds.

While a lot of modern art and animation focuses on human elements, I enjoy focusing on the inhuman. There is magic in making something move, especially if that something is not usually portrayed in modern work. This is why I tend to focus on animal fantasy and natural elements in my work, as I want my audience to be captivated by the nature I am portraying.

Ultimately, I don't know what my audience is going to come away from my work thinking-- and that's the beauty of it! Like nature, I hope my work is able to impact people around the world, regardless of background or creed. I want the animations I create to bring people the child-like joy I experience when finding a waterfall at the end of a mountain trail or a never-before-seen mountain vista. My greatest joy would be to reconnect someone with the natural world through my animated work, providing them with the tools they need to answer their own call of the wild.


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