Wednesday, November 2, 2022

VR Animations... TAKE TWO!

First post of November! 

Here's an update regarding some of the stuff I've been working on! 

I've been hard at work on project after project after project, but I figured I would drop in and let you know about the progress I've made on the VR project for this week! 

I hope you liked the way everything turned out! There are some static poses in there too, just in case we need them for the state machine. I tried to think of everything, but I am always open to suggestions of other poses. 

The most difficult part of this whole process would have to be the crab claw. In my first iteration, my animations showed too much of the crab claw moving, when in reality, just the pincher opens and shuts like a door hinge. So, I had to use mainly just those parts of the rig. 

Funny thing is, even when crabs are running or moving quickly, they keep their claw pretty still and extended directly out in front of them. They only move the pinchers when grabbing food, looking for a mate, or attacking something. So, that's why the rest of the crab claw doesn't move at all. It wouldn't be accurate. Super-props to Aimee for the diagrams she sent regarding this! I definitely looked at those and some crab gifs to get inspiration! 

Selected photo

The diagrams in question are above and below this text!


As for the tentacle... there aren't many images of octopi grabbing things from a first-person perspective, so I had to use my imagination. Of course, I'm also open to feedback on the movement, too. I do think I did much better on this one than the original iteration. The first was too all over the place and it actually broke the mesh in very many places, so it was a necessary change.

But yeah, that's pretty much the process of creating the stuff. 

The easiest was the button, which was just a single object moving down.

I am looking forward to getting my group's feedback! I will update this post if anything changes!

I am going to sleep now! ZZZzzzzzz

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